Dance & Prophetic Art’s Ministry
Our vision is to demonstrate, express and manifest the love of God and His Kingdom in all nations through prophetic dance.

Worship & Multimedia Ministry
Our vision is to lead the people of God into His Presence, set the atmosphere for miracles, and bring heaven to earth.

Ushers & Altar Worker Ministry
We ensure order so that our attendees feel safe, secure and comfortable, hindering any distractions from the service.

Creative & Marketing Ministry
We seek to promote all events for Revival Fire Apostolic Centre and the brand of Revival Fire Apostolic Centre.

Intercessory Ministry
With unrelenting prayer, the intercessory team of Revival Fire is proactive in praying for nations, organizations and individuals.

Evangelism Ministry
We reach our communities with the Gospel, actively demonstrating His love and compassion for the lost.

Prophetic Ministry
Our heart is to train up those who would accurately communicate the heart of the Father and release His Voice.

Hospitality Ministry
We strive to maintain a hygienic and excellent atmosphere for our church family and visitors to feel comfortable in.

Children’s Ministry
Children’s church is aimed to equip and empower the next generation of leaders, ministers and pioneers.

Ladies Ministry
Safe Place was created for women of any age, status or background to feel supported, loved and nourished.

Men’s Ministry
VIP MEN is about empowering men to transform their world. Vision, Integrity and Purpose are what we strive to uphold.

Facilities Management
This ministry strives for excellence in maintaining and constructing an organized space for all to be welcome.

Administrative Support
We exist to support all of the ministry teams of Revival Fire Apostolic Centre in whatever way possible.