In Genesis 12 God tells Abram to get out of his country away from his family and his father’s house, and go to a new place. God told Abram that He would show him this place. God was about to do something new. He was about to birth something that was on the inside of Abram. One season came to an end and God was taking him into another season. Any time God is getting ready to promote you He always relocates you.
When God spoke to Abram He told him specific things. Some of these things are:
I will show you
It was the desire of God to change the way Abram saw [his understanding, his perception, his faith]. He needed a new vision. He needed to see what Heaven was doing on earth. In the natural he could not see it, but it was already there. God had already done it. It is time to beyond where you are looking!
I will make you a great nation
God was telling Abram that there is something on the inside of him that is bigger than he can see. He spoke to him about a nation before he mentioned anything to him about a child. There are abilities, gifts and potential within us that we have never seen, and this is why the enemy has been trying to stop you. It is not about where you are now; it is about where you are going.
I will bless those who bless you
God declared that those who bless Abram would be blessed. It is God’s desire to bless you so much that even those who come around you would be blessed because of you. There will be breakthrough in every area because of your obedience to do what He says.
I will curse him who curses you